
Company Consultancy

Throughout our work-oriented lives, our jobs and companies sometimes become our focal point we spend more attention to, rather than our loved ones.  Time and time again, we witnessed the gravity of troubles experienced when people take action based on information from random internet searches with automatic and conventional patterns without knowing what types of legal, administrative or penal risks we put ourselves into. An attorney shouldn’t be the person to be consulted to only after everything has gone wrong.

You company might be in need of an attorney who knows your company, knows its goals, knows your strong and weak sides just as well as you do, who can prepare your contracts, manage relations with real entities and companies outside your employees and companies you cooperate with, provide you with active legal support, recommendation and consultancy for all types of operations and goals, provide you with legal and financial support for international growth strategies, show you the details that could point you in the right direction, prepare reports and perform situation assessment.